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Create the page "Players from New Jersey" on this wiki! See also the search results found.
- |league = New York-Penn League ...wever, there were still several individual bright spots, particularly from players who would later have a role on Tampa Bay's major league roster, like [[Doug32 KB (3,640 words) - 09:59, 1 November 2013
- ...e was acquired by the Devil Rays, in exchange for [[Jose Cruz]] and cash, from the [[Arizona Diamondbacks]] on [[February 6]], 2005 and released on [[Augu [[Category:Tampa Bay Devil Rays players]]2 KB (188 words) - 14:36, 22 May 2012
- ...ardinals|New Jersey]] was the first regular season game to feature players from the [[Tampa Bay Devil Rays]] franchise.<ref name="RaysMG98">{{cite book |ti * Pitcher [[Shelby Rama]] was released from Advanced-A [[St. Petersburg Devil Rays|St. Petersburg]].<ref name="spt1997014 KB (1,889 words) - 11:29, 17 June 2014